Friday, September 11, 2020


 For the past couple weeks, I have been feeling depressed and anxious. I think the novelty of my new place has worn off and now that I'm settling into a routine, the agoraphobia kicks in.  Just trying to decide what to eat each day is a challenge especially because I am conscious of my weight and need to eat more healthy food.  I have been working 3 days a week because work keeps asking me to pick up time.  I mind but I don't mind either.  My client is pleasant and easy.  Mostly pleasant, she got a little snippy about her tea yesterday.  I just brushed it off.  I know she wasn't feeling good.  

I am beating myself up because I am not going out on my days off and enjoying the nice weather.  The leaves are beginning to change color on the trees.  I haven't used my kayak this year and I may just sell it.  If I had an easier way to transport it, I might keep it.  I should just invest in a roof rack.   

I've also been very upset about the current state of affairs in the country.  Each day is more horrible news about Trump and his massive fucking over of our country.  Of course he blames it all on the Democrats and thinks he is going to fix it if he is elected again.  If he can't fix it now, then why does he think he will be able to fix it later?  Everyone seems so filled with hate toward one another.  Social media is out of control and I think it contributes a lot to my depression.  I need to try and limit my exposure and concentrate on other things.  

I am thinking about taking two or three days and going up to the Burlington area.  I found out there is an Air National Guard base up there and they have the new F-35 stealth planes!  I would love to watch them fly.  I've been reading that they have been very controversial because of the noise they create, especially over the town of Winooski.  There is some good geocaching up there too.  

I was planning on maybe going this week, but of course I had to agree to work Saturday and now Monday as well!  I told her no more after that for the week.  So I hope the weather is good and I can go on a little road trip, alone! Ohio will probably have to wait until next year because of the quarantine.  Speaking of which, people in this country need to stop being so fucking selfish and just follow the protocols so we can get rid of this virus.  Instead people make it political and say it is a "violation" of their rights.  What bullshit.  Your "rights" don't include exposing other people to illness and possible death. This country should have been done with the virus if the government just listened to the CDC to begin with.  Fuckers.  Yes, I'm swearing a lot today.  

Enough bitching for now.

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