Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall is coming

Once again, fall is upon us.  The leaves are slowly turning.  The nights are cold, the crops are nearly done.  Rich and I are going to try hunting this year.  We have our license and tags.  I'm hoping for at least one deer and a couple turkeys to make it worthwhile.  There has been so much crap going on in the trailer park where I live.  Fights, drugs, arson, police, firetrucks.  Damn landlord is right in the middle stirring things up and having a drug addict living with him off and on.
We had a friend here who was arrested last night for drugs and assault.  He had us fooled the whole time he was here, acting like he was a victim.  Kept having these 20 something year old women coming in and out while he supported them and their habits.  Can't trust anyone or be friends with anyone because you never know when you are going to get dragged down in their drama too.  We really need to find another place to live.  Paying $400 a month while other people in this park are thousands of dollars behind in their rent and the landlord doesn't do a damn thing about it.  
Sarah's Grandfather died a few days ago. The funeral is tomorrow. He had been sick for a long time with emphysema.  He smoked and drank a lot.  I feel sorry for Sarah's grandmother.  She spent her entire adult life taking caring of kids and then an sick husband.  She probably has hardly ever done anything for herself except go to Curves.  I'm hoping we can get her out doing some stuff with us now.  
We got another dog.  Probably shouldn't have because we always complain we don't have money to take them to the vet.  This dog is healthy except he has a lot of tartar on his teeth.  I am trying to take care of it at home but I think he really needs a doggy dental cleaning.  
Really not too much more going on.  Staying cancer free for now and starting to think about going back to work.  I tire so easily still however so it would have to be something fairly easy.  Part time too.  Kind of ticks me off that I am the one probably having to go back to work because my husband won't get a job.  Too busy hanging out with the neighbors I guess.  My back is not better at all.  I can't do much without it hurting.  
I sure am whining a lot as usual.  I guess it is ok because I don't blog and whine every day!  :)


1 comment:

  1. Hope you can move from there some day. I lived in a trailer park for quite awhile and had to put up with the same things.
    I'm stopping by to thank you for leaving comment in MY JOHNNY blog. I appreciate it very much. I know Johnny would too.


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